The Torch teams up with Latrobe Valley GovHub

Fulham Correctional Centre in Gippsland has allowed Torch artists to expand their skills by introducing them to traditional Koori burning techniques, resulting in the creation of breathtaking wood-carved tables.

This has led to an incredible opportunity with Morwell’s new GovHub building.

GovHub developer, Castlerock, contacted The Torch to establish a partnership, allowing our artists to create stunning boardroom tables for this new $30 million building.

FCC General Manager, Natalie Greenfield says “It provides a unique opportunity for FCC to support men to reconnect with their culture and build development skills that will improve their employment opportunities post release. Such supports are effective in reducing the likelihood of reoffending.

“We’re thrilled about the collaboration itself and that it has resulted in positive supports and employment opportunities. The Torch appraises and manages the sale of the work on behalf of the artist and all proceeds go to the prisoner post release.”

Read more about this incredible partnership on The Victorian Connection website here

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