Future Dreaming was an exhibition of artworks created within Victorian prisons during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. It was launched on 29th Oct 2020 and wrapped up at the end of the year. We are so pleased to report that it was an overwhelming success.
During this online-only exhibition 117 of 126 artworks’ sold. This included 63 artworks sold on launch day.
As each artist entered just one work, this meant 117 unique artists sold work. The total value of sales was $29,500 and 100% of the sale price goes to the artist.
We are so thankful to the artists for their effort and talents in creating the artworks for Future Dreaming, and to the customers for another successful exhibition during COVID-19.
The confidence gained from these sales, and the money raised from them, really will make a difference to these artists lives upon release.
Find out more about our in-prison program: thetorch.org.au/what-we-do/in-prison/