
Shane Lovett

Artist Insights: Shane Lovett

Shane Lovett is Gunditjmara man from Lake Condah. Painting and music are important components of his healing process, inspiring him and allowing him to express himself and explore his culture and identity. Through his paintings he visually portrays his life experiences and interprets his culture and his family’s stories. The Koori worker in prison encouraged

Artist Insights: Daniel Church

Daniel Church was born on Darug Country and is currently pursuing his cultural arts practice on Gunaikurnai Country in Gippsland, Victoria. His practice predominantly revolves around woodcarving and painting on canvas, which for him is about passing down songlines and cultural sharing. Following the art practices of his ancestors brings him peace and his connection

Meet the Confined 14 Award Winners

The Confined 14 exhibition is live now. Each year, a series of awards are presented. Click the award-winning artist’s name to see their works in stock. Dennis Thorpe Awards (Marc Family) – $500 each, two awards. This is a monetary award for In-Community artists who have made a significant connection and contribution to The Torch program

The Torch is Moving to a New Home in Carlton

The Torch has been working out of our current location at 46 St Kilda Road on Yalukit Willam Country for the past eight years. However, we recently received a notice to vacate within six months due to the building’s sale and imminent demolition. After much consideration and planning, we are thrilled to announce that The

CEVA Logistics licenses Melissa Bell’s artwork on their trucks

CEVA Logistics has licensed Melissa Bell’s beautiful artwork “The Two Long-Necked Turtles Protect Their Home” to reproduce the artwork image on their B-double trucks, shipping containers and reconciliation action plan. CEVA operates across Australia with a broad range of vehicles, and six of its largest 42-pallet B-double trailers have been selected for the artwork display.

Catherine Andrews departs as Board member

Catherine Andrews has stepped down from The Torch Board. Catherine joined The Torch in 2015 when there were only two staff members. She has been invaluable over the past eight years and has a deep love for our organisation, staff and participants. Catherine will still be working behind the scenes to support the work we do. We presented Catherine with a

The Torch presents at Reintegration Puzzle conference

Susannah Day (GM) and Chris Austin (Arts Mentor) recently attended the Reintegration Puzzle conference – a national gathering of post release service providers. They delivered one of the keynote presentations on the second day to about 250 attendees. They presented the history of The Torch, and Susannah interviewed Chris on stage about his story, how

Artist Insights: Hari Andai

Hari Andai is a proud Kulkalgal (TSI) artist. He started his journey with The Torch in 2021. This painting was done when I was about to complete my 5 years in prison. It represents my mother’s people from the Hella Province in PNG. The colours of the face are from traditional powder. Hari Andai creates

The Torch Artist Mel offered Pentridge Studio Space

The Torch artist Melissa Bell (Gunditjmara/Yorta Yorta) has been offered studio space at Pentridge Studios to further develop her arts practice. Mel creates art that is deeply connected to her Country and culture. She has already shown incredible artistic growth since starting as an in-prison artist in 2016, and we can’t wait to see what’s

Artist Daniel Church opens his own exhibition in Wonthaggi

The Torch artist Daniel Church (Darug) has just launched his own exhibition at ArtSpace Gallery Wonthaggi, running until 5 March 2023. Daniel was born in Liverpool NSW, on Darug Country, where his parents, grandparents, great grandparents and ancestors were also born. ‘This Is My Story’ is an exhibition of Daniel’s artworks and wood carvings which