Raymond Young Gunaikurnai/Yorta Yorta/Palawa/Gunditjmara people
An artist of Gunaikurnai, Yorta Yorta, Palawa and Gunditjmara heritage, Raymond draws inspiration from the traditional designs of Gunaikurnai people, the traditional owners of Gippsland whose Country includes the coastal and inland areas to the southern slopes of the Victorian Alps.
His artworks pay respect to the continuing creation and use of shields over generations. “Each shield is different to the next. I want each piece to have a personality. I want them to represent the elders and carry the wisdom and knowledge like they do; that’s who my shields represent.”
Raymonds works have been acquired by the National Gallery of Victoria, Shepparton Art Gallery, and Koorie Heritage Trust, as well as corporate and notable private collections across Australia.
His artworks pay respect to the continuing creation and use of shields over generations. “Each shield is different to the next. I want each piece to have a personality. I want them to represent the elders and carry the wisdom and knowledge like they do; that’s who my shields represent.”
Raymonds works have been acquired by the National Gallery of Victoria, Shepparton Art Gallery, and Koorie Heritage Trust, as well as corporate and notable private collections across Australia.
Raymond Young, Gunaikurnai/Yorta Yorta/Palawa/Gunditjmara people
Grandfather Shield
Raymond Young, Gunaikurnai/Yorta Yorta/Palawa/Gunditjmara people
Father Shield
Raymond Young, Gunaikurnai/Yorta Yorta/Palawa/Gunditjmara people
Yorta Yorta Shield
Raymond Young, Gunaikurnai/Yorta Yorta/Palawa/Gunditjmara people